Fred Barnes hosts What's The Story?. Discontent with news coverage is not the sole prerogative of C-SPAN junkies and hard-core idealists. Large portions of Americans feel the media is one-sided, or just plain incompetent. And those numbers are rising.
What's the Story? is the only program that monitors and critiques the media's coverage of the news. Each week, Fred Barnes of The McLaughlin Group and The Weekly Standard moderates a panel of America's top journalists for thirty minutes of fast-paced opinion and analysis. Each show focuses on a timely news story and invites a wide spectrum of prominent journalists to attack, defend, or explain the media's treatment of that issue. Also joining Fred Each week is Robert Lichter, President of the Center for Media and Public Affairs.
What's the Story? gets to the heart of what's happening behind the headlines without resorting to media-bashing or conspiracy theories. Good reporters are, after all, an essential part of any healthy democracy, and good reporting is noted and applauded but when some in the media get lazy, sloppy, or cross the line from observer-reporters to participant-activists, What's the Story? is on the scene, with both sides and a fresh angle, to expose the truth. Get the real story with What's the Story? LISTEN NOW TO FRED BARNES at BroadcastTalk.com. |

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